Blowing more things up
This is one of the more recent explosions we did on "Doctors" where I was involved from the outset, designing and building a set in a ladies' toilet and dressing the set where a bomb had gone off. I also built a tunnel where two actors were trapped, with a trapdoor which had to fall open on cue.
Creating a prison set
We created a set for "Doctors" where one of the main cast was wrongly convicted of a crime and sent to prison. The exterior was a school which we resigned and the interior was a disused building in Birmingham. Below are photos of some of what we created for it, including the cell with a floating wall and the construction of that, the corridor outside the cell with fake doors, the phone area, the visitors' room with a floating wall outside, and a kitchen filmed on location in the centre of Birmingham.
1980s Sci Fi Toy Prop Make
In a storyline in BBC's "Doctors" programme the scripts required a sci-fi toy, loosely based on Star Wars I believe, to be a prized possession of a character. I was tasked with making the toy, designing the box and putting it all together. In a later storyline, another character from the same imaginary set of toys showed up, so I was tasked with the make on that one, too. I used pieces from all sorts of different places, from bought figures to pieces of old tools to create them. The results are below...
Blowing things up
Back in 2019, we had the pleasure of shooting a large explosion for BBC TV's "Doctors" 20th anniversary episode. I was heavily involved throughout. We had the windows made from balsa wood and I fitted the sugar glass inside. You can see me in the window below. Sadly, on the day of the shoot it had been raining and the balsa frames soaked up some water so instead of exploding into small pieces, they blew out as one! But the episode still looked fantastic.
Dead bodies...
I had to dress and dirty down a skeletal dead body for a murderous storyline and bury it in a shallow grave.
New Surgery Set for BBC's "Doctors"
We were tasked with creating a new surgery set in an unused building in Birmingham. Below are a few shots of the building before and then when we had dressed it. I was also responsible for a lot of the artwork on the walls as it needed to be cleared for use on TV and generic in style.
A new face!
This was an occasion where I had to save the day somewhat. For a number of reasons, one of the main actors, Owen Brenman, was unavailable for the scene where his character, Dr. Heston Carter, passed away. We had filmed scenes where he was in a hospital bed in BBC Doctors before, so the production hired a Supporting Artist to stand in and I was asked to use Photoshop to change the appearance. The first image shows what was shot originally and the final shot is the image I created with the materials I was given in between. The video shows how the shot was used in the show. (From "Doctors" Series 20, episode 6.)
BBC TV Design Work
I was able to assist the editing department with some of my Photoshop skills on this assignment. The location we filmed at had some buildings in the background with boarded up windows and I was asked to put some windows in and the Editing wizards used my work to fix the final episode. See before and after shots in each case. I also made the main sign featured in the episode using the "Wonderland" idea below. We also dressed the "bonkers" Alice in Wonderland outdoor set which looked sumptuous. (All taken from BBC TV's "Doctors" Series 22, episode 64.)
Calendar Portraits
This was a project for BBC 1's daytime drama 'Doctors'. I had to take photos of the cast, as their characters, dressed as icons for a calendar which appeared in the show. Considering the time restraints involved in shooting a daytime drama/soap, and shooting these photos simultaneously, the results were pleasing.
Kid's Book Cover
We needed a couple of cleared books for some scenes in Doctors where a character was reading bedtime stories to their child. The titles were given to me and I created the characters from them. My favourite part was that to get some kind of inspiration for what the monsters could look like, I asked my daughters to draw a monster and two of these were based on their original ideas.
Book Cover
We needed a book cover for a scene in TV drama, "Doctors". I had an idea and a model lined up and we had photo shoot. I edited using Adobe's Lightroom and finalised in Photoshop.
In 2013, the BBC's "Doctors" TV Drama had a storyline about a graffiti artist named "Brummski". Turns out it was me all along...
Fake computer game design
Whilst designing on "Doctors" for The BBC, I needed to create a computer game where some characters messaged each other, so I came up with what you see below. Because of time restraints, I had to use some of the graphics I had previously created and then add to those. I used the Procreate App on iPad to sketch the characters and integrate with Photoshop. The original drawings are shown below.
Careers Without Limits
This was a photo shoot with some models and actors for a storyline on BBC 1's Doctors programme.
Awesome Amelia
A storyline on the daytime show "Doctors" on BBC 1 required me to design a character by the name of "Awesome Amelia" for a book launch at Birmingham Library, and include a few books which the pretend author had written previously. There are a few sketches included, and the book covers show the parts of the book sleeve which wrap around the hardback cover. The last few photographs show the final printed offerings in the set we created inside the library.
Omega League
This was a storyline in BBC 1 daytime drama, "Doctors", where a main character bought a set of comic books. I was given the title of the series and a few titles of specific comics. There was to be a complete set of 60 comics, though not all were to be seen. I set about making the characters in Photoshop and finishing the issues in Illustrator.
Recent props
These are a range of photographs used in a photographic competition episode of the BBC daytime drama, 'Doctors'. I had to produce a range of different picture styles and I used different equipment to achieve varying looks.
Posters (cleared for use in TV)
These are some posters I've created whilst working for the BBC
Lions Casino Night, 7th March 2020
Tea-Riffic Product Shoot
These photos were taken for a friend's upcoming business venture.
Ade & Lisa's Wedding
Was honoured to be asked to document the wedding of this beautiful Brummie couple. A fantastic day was had by all who attended.
Experiments in 35mm
In recent months I decided to return to analogue. These are a few of my experimental shots. All photos were taken with a Canon AV-1 and various types of film. The Black and White images were processed by my fair hand.
Just a few portraits, creative & otherwise.
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